金玉姬 軍花中尉,上皮,順風醫美效果不好,花蓮包車旅遊 行易租車,花蓮租車優惠 行易2021-4-27


  • 膳食補充劑
  • 易吞咽膠囊
  • 50 毫克複合物
  • 保證純度和效力

Hi Potency B 複合物中的維生素 B 共同作用,協助代謝碳水化合物、脂肪和蛋白質,有助於提高身體的能量生產水準。同時可能有助於支持健康的神經系統和情緒,對健康的皮膚、頭髮和視力必不可少。水溶性維生素 B 不會儲存在體內,必須每天補充。




網路價:215元,結帳享5%折扣後 205


  • 膳食補充劑
  • 支援神經和生殖系統
  • 適用於素食主義者/嚴格素食者
  • 保證純度和效力

孕前和懷孕初期攝入適量的葉酸(維生素 B9),有助於預防先天性神經管缺陷。葉酸是體內合成 DNA 的重要輔酶,同時也是紅細胞生成和成熟的必需物質。它有助於保護大腦、神經系統和心理健康。蛋白質代謝也需要消耗葉酸。此外,它還可能有助於優化心血管系統健康。

質譜:經實驗室測試 ✔


1 tablet, 1-2 times per day or as directed by a health professional.

網路價:108元,結帳享5%折扣後 103
網路價:154元,結帳享5%折扣後 147


  • Dietary Supplement
  • Quick Dissolve
  • The Most Metabolically Active Form
  • Suitable for Vegetarians
  • Purity & Potency Guaranteed

For people with B12 deficiencies it is popular to have injectable vitamin B12; however, research supports that oral administration of an appropriate dosage has been shown to produce as good of results as injectable preparations in treating vitamin B12 deficiency.

Methylcobalamin (vitamin B12) is active immediately upon absorption, while other forms (e.g., cyanocobalamin) must be converted to methylcobalamin in a two-step process. Methylcobalamin demonstrates exceptional activity in areas where other forms are simply not active. B12 supplementation is recommended for vegetarians and those with B12 deficiency. It helps form red blood cells, prevents vitamin B12 deficiency and helps maintain good health.

In people with low levels of B12, supplementation is very effective in improving energy levels and restoring mental function.

Check with your doctor or health professional on what is the best form and potency for you.


Non-GMO: Documentation

Mass Spec: Lab Tested

" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/nfs/nfs01242/u/17.jpg">


  • Dietary Supplement
  • Quick Dissolve
  • The Most Metabolically Active Form
  • Suitable for Vegetarians
  • Purity & Potency Guaranteed

For people with B12 deficiencies it is popular to have injectable vitamin B12; however, research supports that oral administration of an appropriate dosage has been shown to produce as good of results as injectable preparations in treating vitamin B12 deficiency.

Methylcobalamin (vitamin B12) is active immediately upon absorption, while other forms (e.g., cyanocobalamin) must be converted to methylcobalamin in a two-step process. Methylcobalamin demonstrates exceptional activity in areas where other forms are simply not active. B12 supplementation is recommended for vegetarians and those with B12 deficiency. It helps form red blood cells, prevents vitamin B12 deficiency and helps maintain good health.

In people with low levels of B12, supplementation is very effective in improving energy levels and restoring mental function.

Check with your doctor or health professional on what is the best form and potency for you.


Non-GMO: Documentation

Mass Spec: Lab Tested


Chew or dissolve 1 tablet per day in the mouth before swallowing or as directed by health professional.

網路價:231元,結帳享5%折扣後 220