

  • Lake Avenue Nutrition向日葵磷脂醯絲氨酸
  • 支援認知健康和大腦功能*
  • 配方不含:GMO、麩質或大豆
  • 在 GMP 設施中生產。

Lake Avenue Nutrition 以實惠的價格提供品質和價值。

iHerb 博客:

經 iTested 驗證


每日 1 粒,可與食物同食;或遵醫囑。

網路價:842元,結帳享5%折扣後 800


  • A Multipurpose Cooking and Salad Oil

Ultra MCT oil contains a highly purified fractioned C8/C10 blend for optimal Ketone production.

Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs): Extracted from coconut oil, MCTs have been shown to play an important functional role in the body. Very little MCT gets converted into body fat, because MCTs are rapidly burned for energy. Studies indicate that MCTs will not increase serum cholesterol levels.

MCTs represent an exciting new frontier in health and nutrition, promising a true "fatless fat." MCT benefits include:

  • Fast Energy—converts to energy much faster than regular oils
  • Less fat storage—little gets stored in fat cells
  • Helps stabilize brain waves
  • Metabolized without bile–gives gallbladder a rest
  • Helps to maintain healthy LDL levels
  • May increase energy expenditure
  • Lower caloric content (8.2 Calories per gram)
  • May help increase HDL levels
  • Improves absorption of vitamin E, calcium, and magnesium

Unlike most other cooking oils, MCTs are extremely stable—they do not readily become oxidized. Removing the lauric, myristic and palmitic acids and other negative elements present in the coconut oil, the extraction separates the medium-chain fatty acids. The end product is concentrated in 8-carbon caprylic acid and 10-carbon capric acid in a blended ratio of approximately 2 to 1. Glycerin removed in the initial extraction is returned and used to esterify the acids. The result is the product you hold in your hands.

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  • A Multipurpose Cooking and Salad Oil

Ultra MCT oil contains a highly purified fractioned C8/C10 blend for optimal Ketone production.

Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs): Extracted from coconut oil, MCTs have been shown to play an important functional role in the body. Very little MCT gets converted into body fat, because MCTs are rapidly burned for energy. Studies indicate that MCTs will not increase serum cholesterol levels.

MCTs represent an exciting new frontier in health and nutrition, promising a true "fatless fat." MCT benefits include:

  • Fast Energy—converts to energy much faster than regular oils
  • Less fat storage—little gets stored in fat cells
  • Helps stabilize brain waves
  • Metabolized without bile–gives gallbladder a rest
  • Helps to maintain healthy LDL levels
  • May increase energy expenditure
  • Lower caloric content (8.2 Calories per gram)
  • May help increase HDL levels
  • Improves absorption of vitamin E, calcium, and magnesium

Unlike most other cooking oils, MCTs are extremely stable—they do not readily become oxidized. Removing the lauric, myristic and palmitic acids and other negative elements present in the coconut oil, the extraction separates the medium-chain fatty acids. The end product is concentrated in 8-carbon caprylic acid and 10-carbon capric acid in a blended ratio of approximately 2 to 1. Glycerin removed in the initial extraction is returned and used to esterify the acids. The result is the product you hold in your hands.


How to Use MCT Oil

Ultra MCT oil is a highly purified fractionated coconut oil compromised of C8/c10 MCT's research has demonstrated that MCT oil is not readly stored as fat but in turn converted to ketones for fuel.

Coffee: Add 1 tablespoon to your coffee to enhance mental performance.

Salads: Use as a salad dressing base to get the health benefits of Ultra MCT oil on every salad.

Oil Pulling: Swish 1-2 tablespoons of Ultra MCT Oil in your mouth for 5 -10 minutes, then discard, rinse and brush your teeth for optimal oral health.

網路價:1,112元,結帳享5%折扣後 1,057


  • 維持骨骼健康
  • 膳食補充劑
  • Non-GMO LE 認可

這種方便的、無味液體維生素 D 補充劑是獲得維生素 D 的很好方法。保持維生素 D 的健康水準有助於保持年輕的認知功能,並為骨骼和機體抵抗系統健康提供廣泛的益處。維生素 D 還有助於將血壓保持在正常範圍內,支持健康的炎性反應和內皮功能等。


  • 每一滴含 2,000 國際單位維生素 D3
  • 有助於認知功能保持健康年輕態
  • 可能有助於優化骨骼和機體抵抗系統健康
  • 可能有助於優化心血管和內皮功能健康
  • 有助於控制血壓

更多關於維生素 D3(2,000 國際單位)的資訊

儘管曬太陽能夠幫助人體獲得維生素 D,但我們不建議您在無防護的狀態下曬太陽或使用室內日光浴設備。補充維生素 D 對控制缺乏症有很大幫助:我們建議每日攝入約 5000-8000 國際單位維生素 D3。


維生素 D 是保持認知功能健康的必需維生素,在正常衰老過程中,維生素 D 是一種不可或缺的營養物質。研究表明,如果老年人的血漿維生素 D 水準保持在健康範圍內,他們在認知功能健康測試中得分更高,認知能力更強。


維生素 D(還有維生素 K 和各種必需礦物質)在把人體組織裡的鈣輸送到骨骼系統的過程中發揮著至關重要的作用。這對保護骨骼牙齒健康十分關鍵。維生素 D 在保持機體抵抗功能健康方面也扮演著關鍵角色。


維生素 D 有助於調節人體鈣平衡,提高血液的鈣吸收,促進心血管系統做出健康炎性反應,優化內皮功能健康。此外,維生素 D 還有助於預防腎素過高。保持健康的腎素水準有助於血壓維持在正常範圍內。

補充足量維生素 D

每液滴維生素 D3 補充劑提供 2,000 國際單位維生素 D3(膽鈣化醇)。建議您在連續 3 個月服用本產品後進行血清 25-羥維生素 D 濃度檢查,根據檢查結果調整用量。維生素 D 濃度保持在 50–-80 納克/毫升的範圍內可視為身體狀況良好

" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/lex/lex22441/u/46.jpg">


  • 維持骨骼健康
  • 膳食補充劑
  • Non-GMO LE 認可

這種方便的、無味液體維生素 D 補充劑是獲得維生素 D 的很好方法。保持維生素 D 的健康水準有助於保持年輕的認知功能,並為骨骼和機體抵抗系統健康提供廣泛的益處。維生素 D 還有助於將血壓保持在正常範圍內,支持健康的炎性反應和內皮功能等。


  • 每一滴含 2,000 國際單位維生素 D3
  • 有助於認知功能保持健康年輕態
  • 可能有助於優化骨骼和機體抵抗系統健康
  • 可能有助於優化心血管和內皮功能健康
  • 有助於控制血壓

更多關於維生素 D3(2,000 國際單位)的資訊

儘管曬太陽能夠幫助人體獲得維生素 D,但我們不建議您在無防護的狀態下曬太陽或使用室內日光浴設備。補充維生素 D 對控制缺乏症有很大幫助:我們建議每日攝入約 5000-8000 國際單位維生素 D3。


維生素 D 是保持認知功能健康的必需維生素,在正常衰老過程中,維生素 D 是一種不可或缺的營養物質。研究表明,如果老年人的血漿維生素 D 水準保持在健康範圍內,他們在認知功能健康測試中得分更高,認知能力更強。


維生素 D(還有維生素 K 和各種必需礦物質)在把人體組織裡的鈣輸送到骨骼系統的過程中發揮著至關重要的作用。這對保護骨骼牙齒健康十分關鍵。維生素 D 在保持機體抵抗功能健康方面也扮演著關鍵角色。


維生素 D 有助於調節人體鈣平衡,提高血液的鈣吸收,促進心血管系統做出健康炎性反應,優化內皮功能健康。此外,維生素 D 還有助於預防腎素過高。保持健康的腎素水準有助於血壓維持在正常範圍內。

補充足量維生素 D

每液滴維生素 D3 補充劑提供 2,000 國際單位維生素 D3(膽鈣化醇)。建議您在連續 3 個月服用本產品後進行血清 25-羥維生素 D 濃度檢查,根據檢查結果調整用量。維生素 D 濃度保持在 50–-80 納克/毫升的範圍內可視為身體狀況良好



每日一次或兩次,每次一 (1)滴,隨食物服用,或遵照醫生指示。

網路價:610元,結帳享5%折扣後 580